Thursday, January 15, 2009

Faces of Isaac

We love our little Isaac! It's hard to believe he is already 2 1/2 weeks old. When he was born he was 9.1 lbs and 21 inches; he was 8.6 lbs. when we left the hospital. He had his 2 week check-up on Monday and he was 9.11 lbs! He is eating well you could say! And, he is strong...he has rolled from his belly to his back several times now and can almost roll from his back to his belly. It's going to be so much fun watching him grow.

Day One

Passing his hearing test.

Chillin' on the bili light.

Check out the glow!

Getting ready to leave the hospital!

Welcome home, Isaac!

First sponge bath.

Cuddling with Grammie...

and Daddy.

Oh, the adventures that are to come!


deleise said...

Oh, I miss him! You may find me on your doorstep in a few minutes! So thankful for my new nephew!

Martha said...

I must say you and Matthew sure know how to make pretty little boys.
Good luck...three boys should be a fun ride. You know, kinda like a roller coaster!

Betty Ann said...

Your blog is geat. I love all the pictures. Isaac is precious, and I really enjoyed getting to stay with all of you. It was fun!

Grandma Betty Ann

Unknown said...

He is so perfect!

SheriYates said...

Kelsey and Matthew,

Praise God! Deleise has been posting me. Our family was just sure that Isaac would be going home any day! We are so blessed to have the opportunity to be with you guys. Thank you for welcoming us and all the kiddos in. They have asked daily for His status.

We were so blessed to meet you guys, meet Isaac and pray for you guys! Thank you!!