Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Faces of Joshua

Joshua is the sweetest big brother!

A new helmet and pads...
put to action!

Joshua's favorite mover guy ~ Raoul! I don't know how many times Raoul gave Joshua a dolly ride. It was so sweet.

Joshua and Cole (cousin) playing flashlight tag.

Go Joshua! Yes, he made it to the top.

One of the barn cats where Rocky lives.

Taking care of Rocky.

He wanted to make a "silly" face for the camera.

Manning the gun on one the Blackhawk Helicopters at the Thunderbird Airshow.

Fun at the park.

Pumpkin Patch fun!

Superman! How do you like that pose?

Christmas PJs!

Hanging out in cousin Sydnee's bathtub.
You want me to what?



deleise said...

Oh my word, that baby tub pic! Oh how I love that kid! I have a couple of awesome picture that go right along with this post I will have to send you.

Harkreader Family said...

Joshua is very funny!! I loved all the pics!!

Martha said...

Joshua is such a doll. You guys have obviously done a great job with him.